Hello students, parents and readers!

ITMP’s writers are taking a break for the summer holidays! The blog, newsletter and website volunteers are taking this time to rest and recharge before tackling new website and newsletter improvements in fall. Because of this, there will be no August newsletter and our final August post will focus on the upcoming ITMP Book Club event. If you haven’t heard, ITMP’s book club is reading “The Barren Grounds”, by David A. Robertson, this summer! There will be a volunteer-moderated discussion about the book on Zoom at 7pm on August 27th. If you’re a fan of summer reading, be sure to register for the event here: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/5375749c-b871-4a9e-835d-bcd21d78b6c6
Whatever your summer plans, I hope you have a chance to take part in your family’s summer traditions, reconnect with land, and be with your friends and loved ones. I know I’m looking forward to fishing with my grandfather, returning to my favourite mountains and lakes, and maybe starting a personal project or two!
Have a lovely August, and the ITMP team is looking forward to returning in September!
Author: Basil Giannopoulos, Web & IT Admin
Image credits: Image 1: Roman Melnychuk via Unsplash
Image 2: Michelle, ITMP Graphic Designer